Marketing Lessons Learned from Driving in the Rain
Yesterday, I was on my way home from Knoxville, TN after having a great time at the Get Motivated Business Seminar. After hearing speeches from Bruce Pearl, Rudy Giuliani, Zig Ziglar, and Gen. Colin Powell, I was in deep thought about how I could make a change in my life that could influence my work and my clients. As I merged on the interstate it started to pour…
Marketing Lessons Learned from Saturday Morning Cartoons
For the past few months I’ve been thinking about writing a series of posts on the effect of marketing/advertising’s on our society. At the most basic level, much of the inspiration for my designs come from studying how people interact with the world around them, whether that be how they scroll a page on a web site, flip open a brochure, or look at signage in the mall. For that reason, I’m starting this series; we’ll see how many articles we can come up with. The first installment: Saturday Morning Cartoons.